Machine Shop Services
At Ledford Performance Machine Shop, we offer machine shop services for both gas and diesel, import and domestic, stock or performance applications, including heavy duty diesel applications such as Caterpillar, Detroit, Mac, Cummins, International, John Deere, etc. We also offer machine shop services for ATV & Motorcycles engines.
We can surface heads & blocks up to 48" in length and grind crankshafts up to 60" in length.
We offer the following services. This is not a complete list so please call if you need a service not listed.
For Blocks:
- Blocks Machined to Original Blue Print
- Deck Resurfacing
- Align Bore & Align Hone
- Bore & Hone Cylinders
- Install Cylinder Sleeves
- Machine for Roller Cam Bearings
- Re-Sleeve Lifter Bores
- Clearance for Stroker Builds
- Drill & Tap for Splayed Caps
- Magnaflux, Pressure Test for Cracks
- Install Cam Bearings, Freeze Plugs
- O-Ringing
- Install Darton Mid-Sleeves
Cylinder Head Services (Cast & Aluminum):
- Crack Detection
- Surfacing with CBN Tooling
- Multi-Angle Valve Jobs
- Valve Seat & Guide Installation
- Polishing Camshafts
- Removal of Broken Bolts
- Computerized Valve Spring Tester
Installation of Screw-in-Studs
Valve Spring Pockets Enlarged
Other Services Offered:
- Crankshaft Polishing & Grinding
- Re-Sizing Connecting Rods
- Press Pistons On/Off Connecting Rods
- Install Pin Bushings
- Fly Cut Pistons
- Surface Exhaust and Intake Manifolds, Headers
Computerized Engine Balancing
- Engine Testing Run Stand (for non-computer engines only)
- Gas Fuel Injector Testing
Please call us at (254) 756-3982 or come by for pricing on our services. Prices on services will vary depending on the application of the engine as well as the customer's preference for parts.